PAGESの国際SSC(Science Steering Committee)の年1回の会合が、今年の6月7、8日に、日本の名古屋で開催されることに合わせて、PAGES RegionalWorkshopを、下記のように開催します。
- 日程) 2010年6月5日(土)、6日(日)の2日間
- 場所) 名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館
- 趣旨) 日本と世界のPaleoscienceの発展の契機となるように、PAGESの国際SSC委員と、日本のPaleoscienceコミュニティーの交流の場とします。ワークショップは、土・日に設定いたしましたので、お時間の許す限り、多くの方のご参加をお待ちしております。
- 共催:名古屋大学GCOE“From earth system science to basic and clinical environmental studies”
- 協賛:J-DESC
- 内容)
- 口頭発表?PAGESのScience Structureにおける4つのFoci(Climate Focings, Regional Climate Dynamics, Global Earth-System Dynamics, Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions)に沿った、研究のレビュー
- PAGES SSC委員による世界の研究状況、PAGESの方針の紹介
- (日本学術会議のPAGES小委員会委員を中心にした)日本の各分野の代表的な研究者による日本の研究状況の紹介
- ポスター発表?日本のPaleoscienceの研究の最先端を紹介できる、あらゆる種類のポスター(英文)を、受け付けます。当日、ご自身でご参加頂けない場合でも、ポスターのみの参加も可能ですので、英語で作成したポスター(近過去の国際学会等で使用したもので可)を日本中から名古屋にお送り下さい(こちらで責任を持って、掲示と返送をいたします)。
- プログラム)
June 5 (Sat)
- 09:30-09:40 Local Organizing Committee
Opening Remarks
- 09:40-09:50 Tetsuzo YASUNARI (GCOE Leader)
Introduction of Nagoya University GCOE program
- 09:50-10:10 Thorsten KIEFER (PAGES IPO Executive Director)
Introduction of PAGES and Aims of this regional workshop
- Session on PAGES Focus 4
Chair: Hikaru TAKAHARA (Kyoto Prefectural University)
- 10:10-10:35 John DEARING (University of Southampton, UK)
Keynote on PAGES Focus 4 (Human-climate-ecosystem interactions)
- 10:35-11:00 Coffee Break & Poster Session
- 11:00-11:25 Tetsuzo YASUNARI (Nagoya University)
Changes in the Asian monsoon climate during 1700-1850 induced by preindustrial cultivation
- 11:25-11:50 Takakazu YUMOTO (Research Institute of Humanity and Nature)
Human-nature interaction and climate in the Japanese Archipelago
- 11:50-13:15 Lunch Break & Poster Session
- Session on PAGES Focus 2 & CCT 2 (Part 1)
Chair: Tatsuhiko SAKAMOTO (JAMSTEC)
- 13:15-13:40 Heinz WANNER (Univeristy of Bern, Switzerland)
Keynote on PAGES Focus 2 (Regional Climate Dynamics)
- 13:40-14:05 Hodaka KAWAHATA (University of Tokyo)
One result from IMAGES and the relevant studies in Japan ? the relationship between environmental change and human activity during the mid-Holocene in Japan -
- 14:05-14:30 Koji FUJITA (Nagoya University)
Recent changes in Himalayan glaciers and ice core studies in the Asian highland
- 14:30-15:15 Coffee Break & Poster Session
- Session on PAGES Focus 2 & CCT 2 (Part 2)
Chair: Yasufumi IRYU (Nagoya University)
- 15:15-15:40 Fatima ABRANTES (National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, Portugal)
Keynote on PAGES Cross-Cutting Theme 2 (Proxy Development, Calibration and Validation)
- 15:40-16:05 Atsushi SUZUKI (Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)
Climate events in the earliest 20th century detected in coral records from Ishigaki and Ogasawara Islands, Japan.
- 16:05-16:30 Takeshi NAKATSUKA (Nagoya University)
Spatial and temporal reconstructions of past Asian summer monsoon activities using oxygen isotopic ratios of tree-ring cellulose
- 16:30-16:55 Masumi ZAIKI (Seiki University)
Document-based reconstruction of paleoclimate in Japan
- 18:00-20:00 Reception at “Green Salon Higashiyama” in Nagoya University
June 6 (Sun)
- Session on PAGES Focus 1
Chair: Tomohisa IRINO (Hokkaido University)
- 09:00-09:40 Bette OTTO-BLIESNER (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA) and Cathy WHITLOCK (Montana State University, USA)
Keynote on PAGES Focus 1 (Climate forcings)
- 09:40-10:05 Yusuke YOKOYAMA (University of Tokyo)
Detecting Holocene sea level changes of Antarctic ice sheet
- 10:05-10:30 Hiroko MIYAHARA (University of Tokyo)
Historical changes in solar activity and its impact on regional-global climate.
- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break & Poster Session
- Session on PAGES CCT 3
Chair: Akio KITOH (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan)
- 11:00-11:25 Bette OTTO-BLIESNER (National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA)
Keynote on PAGES Cross-Cutting Theme 3 (Modeling)
- 11:25-11:50 Ayako ABE-OUCHI (University of Tokyo)
Forcing and feedbacks for the change of sea level and climate throughout the glacial-interglacial cycle: A modelling perspective in Japan.
- 11:50-13:00 Lunch Break & Poster Session
- Session on PAGES Focus 3 & CCT 1 (Part 1)
Chair: Hajime KAYANNE (University of Tokyo)
- 13:00-13:25 Thorsten KIEFER (PAGES IPO Executive Director)
Keynote on PAGES Focus 3 (global earth-system dynamics)
- 13:25-13:50 Kenji KAWAMURA (National Institute of Polar Research)
Millennial-scale climatic changes during the last seven glacial periods: perspective from the Dome Fuji ice core records
- 13:50-14:15 Ryuji TADA (University of Tokyo)
Millennial-scale Asian monsoon dynamics, its tele-connection mechanism, and possible linkage with solar activity
- 14:15-14:45 Coffee Break & Poster Session
- Session on PAGES Focus 3 & CCT 1 (Part 2)
Chair: Kotaro YAMAGATA (Joetsu University of Education)
- 14:45-15:10 Pierre FRANCUS (Institute of National Scientific Research, Canada), Steve COLMAN (University of Minnesota, USA) and Chris TURNEY (University of Exeter, UK)
Keynote on PAGES Cross-Cutting Theme 1 (Chronology)
- 15:10-15:35 Yusuke OKAZAKI (JAMSTEC)
Ocean circulation in the North Pacific during the last glacial termination
- 15:35-16:00 Naomi HARADA (JAMSTEC)
Large-scale blooms of Emiliania huxleyi in the Bering Sea during the past 100 years and its implication of recent global biogeochemical changes
- 16:00-17:00 Overall discussion
- 17:00-17:15 Local Organizing Committee
Closing Remarks
- ポスターセッション(2010年6月3日現在)
- Ishiwatari R., Fujino N., Brincat D., Yamamoto S., Takahara H., Shichi K., and Krivonogov S. K.
A 35 kys record of organic matter composition and δ13C of n-alkanes in bog sediments close to Lake Baikal: Implications for the paleoenvironmental study
- Yamamoto S., Kitano J., Tomiyama Y., IshiwatariR., and Uemura H.
Influence of human activity and natural disaster to lake sediment revealed by records of sedimentary organic matter
- Ishiwatari R., Negishi K., Yoshikawa H., and Yamamoto S.
Glalcial-interglacial productivity and environmental changes in Lake Biwa, Japan: A sediment core study of organic carbon, chlorins and biomarkers
- Murakami S.
Atmospheric Energetics in Glacial Climate
- Kawano S., Irizuki T., and Nomura R.
Bay environmental changes with relation to the opening of the Manzeki-seto in Tsushima Island, Southwest Japan
- Sagawa Y., Saito C., Hanafusa Y., and Saito H.
Data sites of sediment core samples collected by JAMSTEC cruises
- Tomiyama T., Machiyama H., and Soh W.
JAMSTEC core samples are open to after-moratorium requests
- Kitamura A., Yamamoto N., Ishimura T., Irino T., and Tsunogai U.
Paleothermometer using the oxygen isotope ratio of cavernicolous micro-bivalve Carditella iejimensis: Application to paleoceanographic reconstructions of East China Sea during the last 7,000 years
- Nagashima K. Nishido H., Kayama M., Toyoda S., Igarashi Y., and Tada R.
Provenance study of Asian dust based on cathodoluminescence analysis of single quartz grain
- Onodera J. and Takahashi K.
Silicoflagellate flux and oceanographic conditions in the northern Subarctic Pacific and the southern Bering Sea, '90-94
- Kamae Y., Ueda H.,and Kitoh A.
Weakening of tropical atmospheric circulation in the Middle Pliocene
- Yamagata K.
The influence of human-induced hydrological change on the flood plain environment of the Amur River
- Yamagata K. and Sone T.
Application of tephrochronology to the glacial and periglacial environment study in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
- Okamoto S.
Re-evaluation of past summer temperature reconstruction by melt features in Belukha ice cores, Siberian Altai
- Sano M., Buckley B. M., and Sweda T.
Tree-ring based hydroclimate reconstruction over northern Vietnam from Fokienia hodginsii
- Yasudomi Y., Motoyama Y., and Oba T.
Marine environmental change during the last interglacial in the Northwestern Pacific based on radiolarian assemblages
- Kano A., Hori M.,and Shen C.-C.
Reconsideration of climate in Japan during the last deglaciation: a stalagmite record
- Mitsuguchi T., Dang P. X., Kitagawa H., Uchida T., and Shibata Y.
Coral Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca records from 1948 through 1999 in Con Dao Island, Vietnam: Monitoring of ENSO and East Asian monsoon in the South China Sea
- Mitsuguchi T., Dang P. X., Kitagawa H., and Shibata Y.
Seawater 14C time series of AD 1948-1999 in the tropical South China Sea: Reconstruction from coral annual bands
- Mitsuguchi T., Matsumoto E., Uchida T., Isdale P. J., Kawana T., and Kan H.
Early mid-Holocene sea-surface temperature in the Ryukyu Islands: Reconstruction from coral Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios
- Kawakubo Y., Yokoyama Y., Suzuki A., Alibert C., and Eggins S.
A 423-year-long paleoceanography recorded in Porites coral in Kikai Island, Southern Japan
- Obrochta S., Yokoyama Y., Sakai S., Kimoto K., Inoue M., Ohkushi K., Amakawa H., and Kawahata H.
Holocene to last glacial ITF variability
- Yamane M. and Yokoyama Y.
East Antarctic Ice Sheet fluctuations and global climate changes during the last 5Myr
- Kubota K., Yokoyama Y., Sakai S., Matsuzaki H., Toyohuku T., Iijima K., Osada T.i, Ajithprasad P., and Bhattacharya S. K.
Mid Holocene climate reconstruction using oxygen isotopic composition of modern and fossil catfish otolith (Ariopsis spp.) in North West India and its relation to Indus civilization.
- Nakamura A., Yokoyama Y., Maemoku H., Yagi H., Okamura M., Matsuoka H., Miyake N., Osada T., Teramura H., Yamada T.i, Adhikari D., Dangol V., and Matsuzaki H.
Holocene variability of the Asian monsoon inferred from a sediment core obtained from Lake Rara, western Nepal
- Sawada K., Sawai T., and Seki O.
Transport and diagenesis of higher plant terpenoids in soil, peat and lacustrine sediment from northern Hokkaido
- Asami, R., Felis, T., Deschamps, P., Hanawa, K., Iryu, Y., Bard, E., Durand, N., and Murayama, M.
Evidence for tropical South Pacific climate change during the Younger Dryas and the Bolling-Allerod from geochemical records of fossil Tahiti corals.
- Morimoto M., Abe O., Yamada K., Yoshida N., and Ghosh P.
Estimation of allogenic and authigenic carbonates in sediments from Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia using multi isotopes
- Li Q., Nakatsuka T., Kawamura K., and Liu Y.
Hydroclimatic variation detected by tree-ring cellulose δ18O in North China since A.D. 1675
- Hongo C. and Kayanne H.
Spatial and temporal variations of coral species diversity in the Pacific during the past 10,000 years
- Nakamura N., Kayanne H., Iijima H., McClanahan T. R., Behera S. K., and Yamagata T.
Mode shift in the Indian Ocean through 20th century Recorded in Kenyan Coral
- Iijima H., Kayanne H., and Nakamura N.
Past 100 years inter-annual sea surface salinity changes in the Western Pacific based on coral isotope analysis
- Ogawa N.O. , Ohkouchi N., Chikaraishi Y.
Trophic level vs. eutrophication: A case study in Lake Biwa with nitrogen isotopic compositions of amino acids
- Saito K., Marchenko S., Romanovsky V., Bigelow N., Yoshikawa K., and Walsh J.
Thermally-conditioned paleo-permafrost variations from global climate modeling
- Hayashi R.
Millennial-scale vegatation response to the East Asian monsoon for the last 40,000 years based on a pollen record of Lake Biwa, the central Japan
- Irino T.
Past seasonal variability of the Japan Sea surface water deduced from bivalve shells
- Watanabe Y., Matsuoka H., Sakai S., Yamada M., Ohsawa S., Kiguchi M., Satomura T., Nakai S., Brahmantyo B., Maryunani K. A., Tagami T., Takemura K., and Yoden S.
Paleoclimatological study using stalagmites from Java Island, Indonesia
- Abe, O.
Clumped isotopes in coral skeletons
- Seto K., Dettman D. L., Takata H., Kishiba S., and Sato T.
Paleoenvironmental change in a coastal lagoon during the past 2000 years as recorded in the sediment of Lake Nakaumi, Southwest Japan
- Sasaki N., Takahara H., and Kishimoto G.
Fire and human impacts on vegetation changes during the Holocene in the Kyoto basin, Japan
- Nomura R.
Decadal changes in response to human activities and sea-level change in the 20th Japanese lagoons: Foraminiferal evidence
- O'hishi R. and Abe-Ouchi A.
Polar amplification in the mid-Holocene derived from dynamical vegetation change
- Yoshimori M. and Abe-Ouchi A.
Application of climate feedback analysis to paleoclimate modelling
- Chikamoto M. O., Abe-Ouchi A., Oka A., and Ohgaito R.
Interaction between ocean circulation and sea-ice coverage controlling the marine carbon cycle
- Nakamura T., Hoshino M., Tanaka T., Yoshida H., Saito T., Tsukada K., and Katsurada Y.
Possibilities of human migration from river flood plain to highland area at around 2000 cal BC: 14C ages of remains from archeological sites in the Bishri Region, Middle Euphrates, Syria
- Tsugeki N.K., Urabe J., Hayami Y., Kuwae M., and Nakanishi M.
Phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Biwa during the 20th century: Complex responses to changes in nutrient status and climate variation