10月30日火曜日に、東大大気海洋研究所 地球表層圏変動研究センターでは、以下のセミナーを開催致します。今回は、(1)地球回転とコアーマントル境界の物性についての固体地球物理についての研究成果と、(2)現在進行中の氷床融解についての知見について、潮位計データやステリックな海面変化を考慮した研究成果について講演していただく予定です。セミナー後には懇親会も予定しております。そちらもご参加ください。
- 日時)
- 場所) 東京大学大気海洋研究所 219号室
〒277-8564 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5
- 共催)PAGES, INQUA commission of Coastal and Marine Processes, 東京大学大気海洋研究所地球表層圏変動センター
- 問い合わせ先)横山祐典(yokoyamaのaori.u-tokyo.ac.jp:「の」を「@」にしてください)
- プログラム)
- Seminar 1) 15:00 - 16:00
Viscosity structure of the D² layer inferred from the decay time of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation: Implications for the temperature and heat flow at the core-mantle boundary
The viscosity structure of the D² layer of the Earth’s mantle is inferred from the decay time of the Chandler wobble and semi-diurnal to 18.6 years tidal deformations combined with model viscosity-depth profiles corresponding to a range of temperature-depth models. We use two typical temperature profiles of the D² layer by considering its dynamic state: (i) bottom thermal boundary layer of the mantle convection (TBL model) and (ii) vigorously small-scale convecting layer (CON model). Three possible models are derived from the comparison between the numerical and observationally inferred decay times of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation. The first and second models are those with a viscosity of ~1016 Pa s at the core-mantle boundary. The temperature gradient for the first one, TBL model with a thickness of the D² layer (L) of ~ 200 km, is nearly constant within the D² layer. The second one, TBL and CON models with L~300 km, requires that the temperature gradient of the lower part (~100 km thickness) is larger than that of the upper part. The temperature increases within the D² layer for these two models are larger than ~1500 K. The third model has a constant low viscosity layer (~100 km thickness and viscosity smaller than ~1017 Pa s) at the bottom of the D² layer in TBL (L~200 and 300 km) and CON (L~300 km) models. The temperature increases would be 1000-1600 K depending on the viscosity at the top of the D² layer (1021-1022 Pa s). The heat flows from the core to the mantle for these three models are estimated to be larger than ~5 TW. The third model may be preferable after comprehensively taking account of the fitness of the decay time of the Chandler wobble and the tidal deformations for each model.
- Break 16:00 - 16:30
- Seminar 2) 16:30 - 17:30
Rates and causes of 20th century (pre-satellite era) sea-level rise
Relative sea-level (RSL) changes derived from tide gauge and/or salt-marsh sediment sequences, with information for RSL changes during at least the past ~200 years, are analyzed to examine the rates and the causes of the global sea-level rise (GSLR) in the twentieth century (pre-satellite era) by incorporating thermosteric sea-level and recent estimates for the melting of mountain glaciers and polar ice caps. In this study, we do not require the glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) correction and only assume steady tectonic movements at RSL observation sites. We first estimate the acceleration of the 20th century sea-level rise at each observation site, and then evaluate the residual between the acceleration and thermosteric sea-level rise. The residuals are principally effective in examining the RSL changes caused by the melting of mountain glaciers and Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Consequently, we infer an equivalent sea-level rise (ESLR) of ~1.4 mm yr-1 for the melting of mountain glaciers, Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, in which each contribution in ESLR corresponds to the maximum estimate of IPCC2007 report, i.e., 0.68, 0.55 and 0.17 mm yr-1, respectively. It would be worth noting that the contribution from the Greenland ice sheet is rather small compared with other two sources. Moreover, the present study indicates the global sea-level rise in the twentieth century before the rapid sea-level acceleration occurred at 1990 to be ~1.7 mm yr-1.
- 懇親会 17:45 -(217号室)