
Associate Professor
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Expertise | Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry |
Academic Society | Committee etc. SOLAS-Japan: Secretary SCOR Working Group #166 “Developing resources for the study of Methylated Sulfur compound cycling PROcesses in the ocean (DMS-PRO)”: Associate member Frontiers in Biogeochemistry: Review Editor Membership |
Previous lab member
- Changqing WANG
2019.10~2021.09 Master course
“Development of long-term preservation and measurement method for atmospheric and marine sulfur gases by curie point injector” - Ryo HASHIMOTO
2019.04~2021.03 Master course
“Nitrogen cycle by lightning to the ocean surface” - Mika Hope BIGHIN
2019.09~2020.02 Undergraduate student in Tasmania University, Internship student
“Training of measurement methods of volatile organic compounds” - Jianlong LI
2017.10~2018.10 PhD student in Ocean University of China, Special Research Student supported by CSC
“Biological production of isoprene and monoterpene by marine phytoplankton in the Arctic Ocean” - Oanh Thi Ngoc BUI
2015.04~2018.09 PhD course
“Oceanic methane distribution and its controlling factors in the polar region” - Mahomi Inagawa
2015.04~2017.03 Master course
“Reevaluation of sampling methods for measurement of dimethylsulfide dissolved in seawater” - Satoshi Yoshida
2010.04~2012.03 Master course
“High-resolution observations of dissolved isoprene in surface seawater in the Southern Ocean”