trace gases; oceanic observation; high-sensitivity and -resolution measurement
Research topics in Kameyama Lab

- Research field:Geochemical cycle; Climate change
- Target: Interface among Atmosphere-Ocean-Land
- Method: Oceanic observation: high-precision measurement
We are investigating mainly trace gases which have strong influences in global climate. Recently, we are focusing on volatile organic compounds (VOCs), one of the precursor of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). While cloud formation contributes to the Earth’s albedo and therefore has negative feedback on global warming, the estimation of the influence is still not quantitative and has large uncertainty. It is known that not only anthropogenic but natural source contribute to VOCs budgets. The ocean occupies 71 percent of the world surface and produces many VOCs, and it has been pointed out that the oceanic VOCs regulate in-situ cloud formation far from the land. We are studing VOCs budget and the production and consumption processes in the interface between the ocean and atmosphere.
Usable analytical instruments
Measurement instruments available
- GC with FID detector coupling with Purge & Trap extraction system
- Measurement of isoprene and monoterpenes dissolved in seawater
- Methane measurement with headspace extraction
- GC-FPD (or FID) with Curie Point Injector (CPI)
- Measurement of DMS and isoprene in seawater
- Without coolants onboard
P&T GC-FPD (belonging to National Institute of Polar Research)
- Gas chromatography (GC) with FPD detector coupling with automatic Purge & Trap extraction system
- Automatic measurement of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) dissolved in seawater
EI-PTR-MS (belonging to Dr. H. Tanimoto Lab, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
- Proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry coupling with equilibrator
- Continuous measurement of VOCs in surface seawater
Continuous-flow stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) (belonging to Dr. U. Tsunogai Lab, Nagoya University)
- GC-IRMS coupling with Purge & Trap extraction system
- Measurement stable isotopic composition of methane and nitrous oxide